
Monday, 27 May 2019

English-The merchant of Venice Essay structure

5.Adverb Sentence
We use it to add interest and intrigue
Adverb (comma) sentence
Quickly,curiously,importantly,Firstly,often,Remarkably,Similarly,Significantly,Surprisingly, Readingly,Happily,Sadly.
Example-Consequently-Surprisingly,everyone was at school on time

Surprisingly,i was at class on time
Firstly,i wake up in the morning

11.w-start word sentence
We use it to sound thoughtful and knowledgeable.


Example-While the teacher was talking,Alesha was watching YouTube.

While the coach was talking, Daniel was bouncing the ball.
While i was watching T.V,i fell asleep

W-sentence-when we thought we finished our work,surprisingly the teacher gave us more work
 Adverb-Surprisingly,I finished the work on time

6.Preposition sentence
 Example -In,Against,Before,Between,Over,Behind,Within,Under,Below,At,For,Throughout,Near,About,After.

 After school finished,I went home.
                Throughout the class,Daniel was sleeping.

4.Red,White and blue sentence
Use this when you need to give more than one idea on a topic.

Example-The essentials of rugby are kicking,passing and tackling.

Bullying is not OK because of conflict,fighting and arguments.

Basic Introduction

Q/R- Quote,
Rhetorical Question-A question you don't need to answer

 "IF you wrong us,shall we not revenge?."(Shakespeare-Shylock)Have you ever felt like taking revenge?In William Shakespeare's The merchant of Venice a key moment that Shylock the reader was when Antonio agreed to forfeit a pound of flesh to Shylock if he didn't repay his bond.This moment was shocking ,outrageous and  fascinating. This moment was important to the text as a whole because Shylock and Antonio didn't like each other but still  agreed on the bond,Antonio was willing to risk his life for  Bassanio,and Shylock did not show mercy in clamming  his bond.

Basic Body paragraph x3

Point-The moment when Antonio agreed to the bond was shocking because Shylock and Antonio didn't get along.

Evidence-Antonio was a merchant and Shylock made a living lending people money with interest. While Shylock charged interest,Antonio lent money with interest and  sconed Shylock for doing so.He also spat at Shylock and called him "cut throat dog".

Explain-Therefore the reader is shocked to discover Antonio and Shylock can come to an agreement about money lending,It is also shocking because when Shylock calls Antonio out for the way he treats him,Antonio tells Shylock that he will spit on him and call him a dog again This treatment is not usual between people who make agreements.

Link-With treatment like this from Antonio towards Shylock,and a promise to be just as cruel in the future,it is shocking that they both agreed to the bond.

mirror conclusion TAKO

outline- William Shakespeare The merchant of Venice a key moment  that shocked the reader was when  Antonio agreed to a bond of  pound of flesh if he couldn't  pay back Shylock .This was shocking because Antonio hated Shylock and promised to mistreat him in the future,Antonio was  willing to die for bassanio even though he begged him not to take the risk. Finally ,because Shylock had never shown mercy and did not at the trial.For these reasons it is clear that this moment was shocking to the reader. 


Explain-Because Bassanio is a very loyal and close friend to Antonio and that is why Antonio is willing to die for Bassanio.



Critical literacy Questions

Music -Earth by lil dicky

 1.What is the text about?The text is about earth
How do we know?Its the tittle

2.Who benefits from the text? Everyone

3.what does the author of this text  want us to know?The author wants us to keep the world a better,clean and happy place for all of us.

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

English - Can do tasks

Find the meanings of the word's:

Elopement - An act of running off secretly as to be married.

Vehement - showing strong feeling

Zeal -  Great energy or enthusiasm

Void - not valid or legally binding

Quiring  -  Is gathering together 24 or 25 Pieces of paper

Riveted - Join or fasten

Quarrel - A heated argument or disagreement

Character - study - Shylock - English

 Shylock Character Study #3

Many characters hold anti Semitic views, but in places Shakespeare lets Shylock speak from the heart and suddenly we see him as a human, not a stereotype.
  • In A1S3 when Shylock offers to lend money without interest some argue that he is being kind, do you agree?He wanted revenge on Antonio

  • In A3S1 Shylock suffers great losses. Look for suggestions of his sorrow, loneliness and feelings for his dead wife.He's daughter ran away,and he lost his ducats

  • In A4S1 when Shylock is sentenced, we again feel pity for him. Why is this an achievement for Shakespeare (consider his audience) He was being selfish and was only thinking of himself

  • The Merchant of Venice is considered a comedy, however the character of Shylock makes it feel more of a tragi-comedy. Do you feel he is portrayed more as a villain or victim. Write a paragraph explaining your thoughts with supporting evidence from the play.I think he was a villain cause he was only thinking about himself.He didn't care much of his daughter when she ran away but he cared about his ducats and jewels.He's a selfish man cause he only cares about himself and his ducats and Jewels.

  • It has been argued that the play should be renamed ‘The Jew of Venice’. Why do you think this is? Would it change your initial view of the play? Would it be a more suitable name? It wouldn't change anything because Shylock is one of the main characters and he's most talked about in the story.

Monday, 20 May 2019

English - The merchant of venice

 Act five, Scene one:

1.Why do Lorenzo and Jessica remind each other of stories of     classical lovers?To make there love look better than everyone 
2.What are Portia's feelings as she approaches the house?           She was nervous     

3.What is the first  argument to break out?By
yonder moon i swear you do me wrong,In faith I gave it to  
 the judges clerk.

4.How do Gratiano an bassanio try to justify parting with the      rings,are they successful? They are not successful

5.Was bassanio right  to give away the ring,give reasons for           your thinking. Bassanio was wrong to give away the ring            cause he was giving away there love. 

6.Complete this quote to show the affect these arguments            have on Antonio?I once lend my body for his wealth,               which   but for him that had your husband's ring. I dare be bound again,My soul upon the forfeiture ,that your lord will       never more break faith advisedly

7.Portia and nerrisa have the rings.What does this prove to Antonio,Gratiano and Bassanio?Hint-Who were they in the court?   there wife's were playing  jokes on them 

Thursday, 16 May 2019

social studies - Governments

  learning Objective:To find out about different Of government and understand how governments differ from each other

Personality of a Dictator, I believe that most dictators are people that use force and uses other ways to gain power. From my understanding of reading and watching world war's Dictator [Like Stalin and Hitler] they seem to have the traits of a person who likes to fight and start or be part in Wars. Example Stalin raised in the Soviet ranks because of his communism skills by persuading people about his thoughts. Therefore I mostly think that a Dictator is mostly a Force and Power Hungry person.
Image result for adolf hitler

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

English - The merchant of Venice

Act Four, Scene Two

  1. What invitation does Portia refuse and why?Portia refuses
invitation from Bassnio to dinner cause she has to go back to padua

  1. What does Nerissa plan to get, why do you think this is important?
His husbands ring

  1. Do you admire Portia after these scenes, or do you find her actions cruel. Use examples to support your thinking.

English - line study

Act Four, Scene One- Line Study
  1. A4S1 Line 70-83 (Black Pg. 151, Blue Pg.87) Antonio gives us three short images of how useless any attempt by Bassanio to save his life will be
  • What are they?
  • What do they tell us about one of Shakespeare's interests
  • Do you think this is an effective way of demonstrating the problem.
  • Each example is an extreme and impossible, what influence does this have on how you expect the rest of the scene to develop.
  1. A4S1 L90-100 (Black Pg. 88-, Blue Pg.151-152) , Shylock uses vivid comparisons when he wants to make a point.

  • What example does he use to illustrate the fact that the pound of flesh is his: ‘tis mine and I will have it’
  • It is much longer comparison than the three used by Antonio  but do you think it is more striking/effective/convincing?

Monday, 13 May 2019

English - The merchant of Venice

Act Four, Scene One
  1. What does the Duke believe Antonio intends to do? (Black Pg. 147, Blue Pg.85) show mercy to Shylock
  2. What does Shylock intend to do?cut a pound of flesh from Antonio
  3. Finish this quote that tells us why, ‘You’ll ask me why I rather choose to have a weight of carrion flesh, than to receive three thousand ducats . I’ll not answer that, but to say it is my humoror , is it answered?’ (Black Pg. 149, Blue Pg.86)
  4. What two loopholes does Portia find in the wording of the contract?
(Black Pg. 165-167, Blue Pg.95-96) There should be no blood,
It should only be a pound of flesh

  1. Shylock now has to pay penalties. Complete this quotes that tell us what the penalties are: ‘I pardon thee thy life before thou ask it, For half thy wealth , it is Antonio's , the other half's comes to the general state’ (Black Pg. 169, Blue Pg.97)
  2. Are the penalties fair? Why/why not.
  3. How do Lorenzo and Jessica gain by the result?
  4. What reward has Portia claimed and why is this significant?
  5. Portia tells Shylock ‘The quality of mercy is not strained’.
How does she try to persuade Shylock to show mercy, how much
mercy is she willing to show him ((Black Pg. 157-159, Blue Pg.91-92) )

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

English - The merchant of venice

Act Three, Scene Five

  1. In his jokey conversation with Jessica, why is Launcelot against the conversion of Jews to Christianity? Jews to christian, will raise the price of pork

  1. What is Jessica’s opinion of Portia? Jessica thinks bassanio is really fortunate of marrying Portia

  • Tainted - contaminate or pollute
  • Ecstasy - an overwhelming felling
  • Converted -having been adapted to be suitable for a new purpose
  •  Vantage-a place or a position
  • Oration - a formal speech
  • Constitution - a body of fundamental principles
  • Envious - feeling or showing envy
  • Forfeit -lose

  • In this act we hear about torture devices like the rack. Research this and some other popular torture devices from the time of Shakespeare? Present your findings creatively.

  •  The Rack.
  • The Scavenger's Daughter.
  • The Collar.
  • The Iron Maiden.
  • Branding Irons.
  • The Wheel.
  • Thumbscrews.
  • The Gossip's Bridle or the Brank.

Monday, 6 May 2019

English - The merchant of venice

Act Three, Scene Three:
  1. Antonio is now convinced that he knows the reason for Shylock’s insistence on claiming his bond. What is it, use quote from the text to support your answer. He seeks my life ; his reason well i know .i oft deliver'd from his forfeitures.Many that have at times made moan to me; therefore he hates me
  2. Why can the Duke not ‘deny the course of law’ according to Antonio? He cannot let Antonio off cause he's a nice guy.If he lets Antonio off he has to let everyone off.
  3. What does Antonio seem resigned to his fate. What two important realisations is this based on? Use lines 8, 21-24, 26-31 to help you.
  4. Do you think Antonio’s feelings towards Bassanio have changed since the beginning, why?
  5. finish this quote:pray God,bassanio come to see me pay his debt ,and then i care not!
  6. Shylock refuses to consider the idea of mercy,but demands justice. is true justice is possible in this case?

Friday, 3 May 2019

English - critical literacy

Music video: Gods plan


What is the text about ? The text is about a famous singer donating money to schools,working places and etc.he donated $996,631,90 in this music video .

In whose interest in this text ? single mothers, family.

Who would be most likely to read this text ? teenagers

Thursday, 2 May 2019

English - The merchant of Venice

  1. Why does Portia want Bassanio to delay his choice?portia wants
  2. bassanio to wait because hes gonna make the wrong choice

  1. Complete this quote ‘I pray you Tarry, pause a ___Day or two
  2. before you ______Hazard, for in choosing _____ wrong I lose
  3. your company’ (Black Pg. 105, Blue Pg.66)

  1. What makes Bassanio choose lead over the silver and gold
  2. caskets? Finish this quote, ‘Thou meagre_______ lead which
  3. rather threatenest than dost promise_______ aught, thy paleness_______moves me more than eloquence_________, and here choose I’ (Black Pg. 111, Blue Pg.69)

  1. Complete Portia’s speech that tells us the expected roles of a
  2. woman in marriage. ‘Myself and what is mine ____, to you
  3. and yours______is now converted_______’ (Black Pg. 113, Blue Pg.71)

  1. What does the above quote mean?she had to give herslef to
  2. him
  3. What did Gratiano’s and Nerissa’s wish to marry depend on? (Black Pg. 116-7, Blue Pg.72-3) bassanio and portia
  4. How does Portia know that the letter contains bad news? (Black Pg. 119, Blue Pg.72-3)Bassanio goes plae when he reads the letter
  5. What help does Portia offer straightaway? (Black Pg. 123, Blue Pg.76)
  6. Why do we not expect this help to be successful?
  7. Do you think Portia would still be in love with Bassanio if she
  8. knew he had lied about his wealth?He already loved himn no matter what