
Thursday, 18 February 2021

Maths convertion


Mm                                  cm                                 M                                   Km





















Parts of a tree - VOT

 Task 1 - leaves - the  leaves are apart of a tree it is connected to the branch 

                       Branch - it is a part of the tree that grows from the trunk

                        Crown - refers to the total of an individual plant's aboveground parts

                        Twig  - are the smallest branches

                        Trunk - is the stem and is the main part of the tree

                        Roots - the part of the tree that is attached to the ground to help support the tree  

Task 2 -

Task 3 -Describe how trees become timber? The trees are cut down into the right lengths and then get transported to the timber mill where it is turned into the timber.

Task 4 - Describe and explain the different types of cuts?

              Quartersawn - The log is being cut in a radial angle into four quarters.

           plain sawn - is the most common type of cut. the annular rings are 30 degrees or less to                                                 the face of the board

            Rift sawn - is the most elite cuts the log is milled perpendicular to the growth rings which are 30-60 degrees to the face of the board

Task 5 - Give an example of timbers used in NZ?  KAURI, MATAI, BLACK PINE and RIMU

Task 6 - Give an example of defects in timber? Water stains, knots, Rind gals, shakes, and upsets


Basic Woodworking tools

 Different types of hand tools in a tech workshop.

Engineering set squares - is used as a marking and checking tool used to assess and mark straight lines. Made up of two straight pieces (stock & blade) that work together to create a right angle at exactly 90°.

Carpenters pencil: the reason why the shape is like this is that to stop it from rolling away. You can sharpen a carpenter's pencil by using a craft knife. 

Marking gaugeA marking gauge is used in woodworking to mark out lines for cutting or other purposes. The main purpose is to scribe a line parallel to a reference edge. 

Combination squarecombination square is a multi-use measuring instrument that is primarily used for ensuring the integrity of a 90° angle, measuring a 45° angle, measuring the center of a circular object, find depth, and simple distance measurements. It can also be used to determine level and plumb using its spirit level vial.

Sliding bevel sliding T bevel, also known as a bevel gauge or false square is an adjustable gauge for setting and transferring angles. Different from the square, which is fixed and can only set a 90° angle, the sliding T bevel can set any angle and transfer it to another piece.




Thursday, 11 February 2021


How to convert millimeters to meters?

In maths today we learned how to convert mm to m you need to move your decimal point 3 places to the left to covert mm to m. I will be showing you how to convert mm to m.

For example :

4700mm  = 4.7m

8700mm = 8.7m

7262mm = 7.262

12000mm =  12m